BIO 102: General Biology II

Credits 4
This course is a continuation of BIO 101. Topics include evolution, biological diversity, plant structure and function, animal systems, and development and reproduction, and introductory concepts of ecology. The laboratory reinforces concepts discussed in lecture emphasizing evolution, plant and animal diversity, and anatomy and physiology of selected plants and animals. There are three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Students who have received credit for BIO 101 or BIO 102 cannot subsequently receive credit for BIO 100. In the case that a student completes BIO 100 prior to completing BIO 101 or 102, then BIO 100 will count as a free elective credit only.
General Ed Category
Natural Sciences (and Scientific Reasoning)


ENG 101, college level reading or completion of ENG 101S and RDG 095
Semester Offered
Offered Fall and Spring