BIO 101: General Biology

Credits 4
This course is the first of a two-semester introductory course covering some central biology concepts, including molecular and cellular bases of life, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, cellular reproduction, and introductory concepts of genetics, inheritance, and biotechnology. The laboratory experience emphasizes problem-solving and data analysis using the process of scientific inquiry and the application of concepts discussed in lecture. The laboratory experience emphasizes lab documentation and the use of a variety of biological instrumentation. There are three hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory per week. Students who have received credit for BIO 101 or BIO 102 cannot subsequently receive credit for BIO 100. In the case that a student completes BIO 100 prior to completing BIO 101 or 102, then BIO 100 will count as a free elective credit only. Students are strongly advised to take SCI 110 during the first seven week offering along with BIO 101 in the given semester or take SCI 110 prior to taking BIO 101.
General Ed Category
Natural Sciences (and Scientific Reasoning)


Placement into MAT 100 or higher.


ENG 101, college level reading or completion of ENG 101S and RDG 095
Semester Offered
Offered Fall, Spring and Summer